Instructor: Sheldon Katz
Email/Phone: katzs AT (email is usually quicker than phone)
Office and Hours: To be announced, 301 Altgeld Hall, or by appointment
Class Time and location: MWF 2-2:50, 347 Altgeld Hall.
Text: C. Voisin, Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry, I, Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics 76
Reserve Books The textbook and two additional books are available on reserve, both in the math library and electronically. For each, there are two electronic options: a direct link when you're on campus, and a link where you can access the book through the library when you're off campus after logging in.
Griffiths and Harris, Principles of Algebraic Geometry
Direct link
Library link
Grauert and Fritzche, Several Complex Variables
Direct link
Library link
Voisin, Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry
Direct link
Library link
Course Syllabus
is here
Weekly readings and assignments
Updates and announcements
- Materials for week 15 (December 5 and 7) are now posted.
- Please complete ICES online if you have not already done so, and thank you to those who have.
- I have corrected the typo on problem 3b of the homework for Dec 15 that was pointed out in class: H4(X,R) has now been replaced with H2(X,R). Apologies for not getting to this sooner.
Seminars and other activities of interest
- Graduate Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra Seminar,
Wednesdays at 3pm in AH 345. Talks will be posted on the department's seminar calendar
- Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Tuesdays at 3pm in AH 347. Talks will be posted on the department's seminar calendar